Please send your Details to  mail(at)   hallo

  • Your address- incl. telephone and e-mail information.
  • Type of product - flyers, folders, booklets, bindings or do you want general information about printed products small format?
  • Edition or how many copies do you want?
  • Please complete number of pages or templates, incl. Specify cover pages.
  • Which templates do you want in color and which in b & w ?
  • Single-sided or double-sided printing?
  • Are the desired prints " full bleed"(no unprinted edges)?
  • Final format? -for folding brochures, please inform us about the closed format.
  • Paper - paper thickness/weight?
  • Is your document a PDF file?
  • Processing - bind, stapling, punching, folding, cellophaning...?
  • Desired delivery date of printing job?

Ihre Druckanfrage

Send your request preferably to mail(at) We will get back to you quickly and gladly make you a tailor-made offer.